(386) 677-6424

115 East Granada Blvd, Suite 11
Ormond Beach, FL 32174

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Dr. Martha V. Smyth
Dentist Ormond Beach - 5 Stars

She is knowledgeable and is concerned about her patients.

The staff is congenial and helpful. My friend recommended me to her

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Shine Light. Save Lives.

Shine Light. Save Lives. in Ormond Beach - Oral ID Here Picture What is Oral ID you ask? Oral ID is a simple 2 minute exam that can save your life. Here in our office we are passionate about finding oral cancer in the earliest possible stages. This simple exam is provided to you at no extra cost and is included at your new patient visit and at every subsequent 6 month cleaning and exam visit.

The number of oral cancers has increased over a 6 year period, where all other cancers have declined. 40% of new diagnosis are young, non-smokers There is a 50% 5- year survival rate for oral cancers, and unfortunately 63% of oral cancers are found in late stages.

Oral ID uses fluorescence technology that allows us to shine a blue light and identify oral cancer, pre-cancer, and other abnormal lesions at an earlier stage.